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Phone Conversation

Sanako has a feature in which the student can "call" another student within the classroom using the number that the computer is assigned to. To allow your students the ability to use the telephone feature, follow these steps:

From the teacher workstation

1) Click on the Telephone button(Phone conversation) button.

2) The Phone Conversation control panel will appear to the right. Choose which group(or groups if you have more than one) you would like to activate the telephone feature for.
Phone Conversation control panel

3) A small telephone icon will appear on the workstations signifying that the telephone feature is activated for the chosen group.
Telephone feature is active

4) To deactivate the feature, click on the group again in Phone Conversation control panel.

From the student's workstation

1) When the telephone feature is active, the students will see a Telephone icon near the right hand side of their Duo players.
Student's player in Telephone mode

2) If a student would like to call another student, they would need to "dial" the desired student's computer number using Dial pad the numbers near the bottom of their players. The number dialed must consist of two numbers. If they're calling computer number 2, they would need to dial 02. If they're calling computer number 13, they would need to dial 13.

3) Once connected, the computer will display a Paired up icon icon near the right hand side of their players and will also display who they are connected to on the left side. Student's partner
Student's player connected to another student

4) If a student calls another student but that student is connected to another student, they will get a busy signal and a Busy icon will appear on the left hand side of their player.

5) To disconnect, the stuents will need to press the Clear button(Clear) button.