Language Acquisition Center
Another method a teacher can use to send a message to a student is through a message box. In cases where you would not want to use the microphone to send a message out to a student, you can use the message box. The message can be sent in three ways: 1) To ALL computers in the classroom, 2) To all computers in a Group type(A, B, C, D, or L), or 3) To a single student. First let's see the different options you have within the message dialogue window. All the options work for all computers, all computers in a group, or for one selected computer.
- If there is a message box open on a computer that is unoccupied for whatever reason, selecting this option and pressing "Okay" will close that message box on that particular computer.
- This option is selected by default. As the option suggests, this will allow you to send a new message out to your students.
- When this option is enabled, the greyed out box to the right will become active. Here you can select how long a message will display on a computer before it is automatically closed. Using this option in conjunction with the option that allows students to close out the message box will allow a teacher to send a message to all the computers in the class, including unoccupied computers, without worrying about a message box not being closed because once the amount of time has been reached, the message box will close on it's own.
- This option is selected by default. When this option is used alone, it forces the student or anyone at the compute to close the box manually. The message with stay on the computer screen indefinately until it is close or the computer is shut down/restarted.
- When this option is selected, a sound will play when the message box appears.
1) If you would like to send a message to the whole class, click on this button. It's located in the toolbar near the top of the Sanako screen.
2) Select the options you would like, type your message in the message box, then click "Okay" to send the message.
To send a message to a specific Group(A, B, C, D, or L), do the following:
1) Select the group you want to send the message to.
2) Click on the (Message) button.
3) Select the options you would like, type your message in the message box, then click "Okay" to send the message.
If you just want to send a message to one student, then do the following:
1) Select a student workstation you would like to send a message to.
2) Click on the (Message) button.
3) Select the options you would like, type your message in the message box, then click "Okay" to send the message.