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Cancelling a pair

In this example, we want to remove student 26 from the current pair group consisting of student 17, 19, and 26.
3 students in one pair group
There are two ways to do this. Let's look at the first method.

1) Click on the Pairing button(Pair Discussion) button.

2) Click on the Select button(Select) button.

3) Select the group type that the pairs are part of. In most cases and in this case, it's Group A.
Group A pair

4) Since we want to take away a third student to make a group of two, click on "2" under "Students in Pairs."
2 students per pair

5) Now click on student workstations 17 and 19. This will form a pair group between those two workstations and exclude student workstation 26.
26 is not in the group anymore

Now student workstation 26 is free and can be paired with another group if you like. To learn how to pair students with each other, read the Pairing guide.

Alternate way to cancel a pair

This alternate way to cancel a pair has a few more steps than the method above, but the end result is the same.

1) Click on the Pairing button(Pair Discussion) button.

2) Click on the Cancel button(Cancel) button.

3) Click on any of the students in the pair that contains the student you want to remove. In this example, since we want to remove student number 26 from his/her group that consists of student 26, 17, and 19, we can click on any of those three students. Once you click on any of those three students' workstations, the pair group will be immediately cancelled.
Trio group cancelled

4) Now that the group has been cancelled, you'll have to re-establish a pair between student workstations 17 and 19. Follow the Pairing guide to create pairs if you forgot/don't remember how to do it.

Cancelling all pairs

1) Select the appropriate group type. In this case, it's Group A.
Pair group A

2) Click on the Cancel all button(Cancel All) button. This will cancel all pairs in the chosen group type.

If you have multiple group types Multiple group types(students in groups A, B, C, and D) and you would like to cancel all their groups at once, then click on the Select All button(Select All) button. This will put all the groups(except the Library Group which is Group L) temporarily in Group ATemporarily in Group A. Then click on the Cancel All button(Cancel All) button. This will cancel every groups' pairs.