SWC Photo & Digital

Jesse Doyle


Jesse Doyle


Last attend Southwestern College:   Spring 2009


Education:  Transferred to USC, currently a major in Animation and Digital Arts.


Employment:  USC campus, Animation Library


How did the SWC Art Department and the SWC Photography & Digital Program help you get to where you are now?


“The professors at SWC, especially those in the Art and Photography programs, helped me to realize what my goals were and gave me an


outstanding skill set. I will always be grateful for the amount of effort the professors put into their classes.  I left SWC with a great foundation


which is helping me to achieve my dreams now.”


Any advice to students?


“Small successes have a tendency of snowballing into larger ones.”


Anything Else?


“Watch 2001 A Space Odyssey.”




I'm Jesse R. Doyle, a full time student at the School of

Cinematic Arts at USC.  I ride my bike to campus.  I'm

currently focused on preparing for ideation and

pre-production for my thesis film. There's nothing like college

life on a university campus, it's vibrant with learning and

people with positive and progressive attitudes, and I'm loving

every minute of it.  I was always interested in art as a kid,

especially drawing, and I loved cartoons like Felix the Cat or

Looney Toons, and movies like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

When I started to learn digital art, I was amazed to find how

in-depth an art form it was and how many varying outcomes

could be achieved with it.  I'm inspired by the idea of creating

a likeness to reality with digital art, with the freedom to tell a

unique story.  I'm currently pushing forward with the medium,

learning as much as I can, with a common goal I've had from

the beginning; to conceptualize my thoughts and ideas into

visual form in an effective way.  When I graduate from USC,

I plan to work in the film industry and to travel.


For more information:  www.increality.com







































Questions about  SWC Photo & Digital Program?

Contact mtruitt@swccd.edu or jpickelle@swccd.edu