Welcome to the Language Acquisition Center!

The Language Acquisition Center (LAC), located in room 445, is specifically designed to help students wishing to improve their second-language skills. In the LAC, students can practice their individual grammar and pronunciation skills, listen to lectures and selected readings, record themselves, practice speaking with a partner, or work individually on the computer. The LAC has been fitted with state-of-the-art recording equipment as well as computers to enhance not only the students' learning methods, but the instructors' teaching strategies as well. We hope that this center will help you get the most out of your linguistic journey with your peers and instructors alike.
LAC lab rules:
- Eating, drinking, smoking, and playing games are not allowed.
- The LAC is for work and study. Loud talking, music, and noise is prohibited.
- SWC students with homework have priority over non-SWC students.
- Preview pages BEFORE printing. You may print only ONE COPY of your assignment(maximum of 10 pages). Use a photocopier to make duplicate copies (photocopiers are located in the ASC or the library).
- Do not print more than 10 pages per day from internet sites.
- Do not try to repair equipment. Seek assistance if something is not working properly.
- Do not change the computer settings (i.e. delete files, change color, or font styles, etc.).
- While class is in session, only students enrolled in that section may enter the lab. Please review the lab schedule posted on the windows for available dates and times for open lab.
- Everyone must read and comply with the SWC Acceptable Use Policy.
- Viewing pornography, entertainment, chatting, or other non-academic internet sites are strictly prohibited. Violations may result in loss of LAC privileges, academic sanctions, and/or criminal prosection.
The LAC is intended for your education, not your recreation. Don't forget to save your work often to your disk. Work saved on the hard drive may be lost after you leave the computer.
If you have any questions, ask for assistance.
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