Simulation - Physical Optics

Ripple Tank / Double-Slit Interference

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Double Slit Interference

Drag the sources and the view screen to see how the interference pattern changes. The distances can be measured by dragging the circle to a difference location.

Multiple Slits

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Multi-Slit Diffraction

Drag the screen and the circle to change their positions. The phasor diagram can also be moved by dragging on the lime-colored dot.
Red/blue are used to represent long/short wavelength for illustrative purpose only. The numerical values of the wavelength in this simulation do not in fact match with the actual wavelength of visible light.
The intensity graph is normalized so the peak intensity is always the same (in reality, as the number of slits increases, the peak intensity increases as well).
Calculations will appear here.

Two Colors in Multi-slit Interference

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Diffraction with Two Wavelengths

Illustrate how diffraction gratings (with a large number of slits) is useful in distinguishing different wavelengths. Decrease the number of slits and see how the fringes of the two sources get all mixed up and difficult to distinguish from one another.
Control: Drag the screen to change its position.
Red/blue are used to represent long/short wavelength for illustrative purpose only. The numerical values of the wavelength in this simulation do not in fact match with the actual wavelength of visible light.
The intensity graph is normalized so the peak intensity is always the same (in reality, as the number of slits increases, the peak intensity increases as well).
Calculations will appear here.

Single Slit Interference

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Single-Slit Diffraction

Drag on the barriers to change slit width. Drag the screen and the circle to change their positions. The phasor diagram can also be moved by dragging on the lime-colored dot.
Red/blue are used to represent long/short wavelength for illustrative purpose only. The numerical values of the wavelength in this simulation do not in fact match with the actual wavelength of visible light.
Calculations will appear here.

Rayleigh's Criterion

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Rayleigh Criterion

Drag on the barriers to change slit width. Drag the screen and the circles (light sources) to change their positions.
Calculations will appear here.