Math 119: Elementary Statistics

(Additional Docs and Calendar at ~bsmith/m119/)

Course Description

Emphasizes elementary concepts of statistics including measures of central tendency and variability, probability, sampling techniques, binomial, hypergeometric, and normal distributions, statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, regression and correlation. Includes descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, and inferences concerning single population means and proportions.


Bruce Smith, 421-6700, x5291, room 390d, bsmith [AT] swccd [DOT] edu

Office Hrs

Mon, Tue: 8:00am - 8:50am
Mon: 12:00pm - 12:50pm, or by appointment.

Meeting Times

Section 03: Tue, Thu 9-10:50 pm, room 343

Final exam will be given Dec 18 (Thu), 8:00am - 10:00am.

Class Webpage

Grades, assignments, this document, and additional useful information can be found at (Blackboard)

Course Prerequisite

A grade of C or higher in Math 65 or Math 70, or the equivalent skill level as determined by the Southwestern College Mathematics Assessment; Recommended Preparation/Concurrent Enrollment: RDG 56 or the equivalent skill level as determined by the Southwestern College Reading Assessment or equivalent.

Textbooks and Materials

Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator, 3rd Edition, by Mario F. Triola, ISBN - 13: 978-0-32164148-9.

The Fall 2014 Course IDs to use with are shown below. Be careful to use the code appropriate to YOUR section's meeting time:

119 Sec 03 (T Th 9:00 am class): smithxxxxxxxxxxx

MyStatlab, packaged with a textbook or purchased alone, can be found at SWC bookstore, or online at

* Supplementary:

Recommended calculator is the TI-83+ or the TI-84. If you already have the TI-89, it's likely possible that you can use it for this course, but I have no experience with this particular calculator. All classroom examples will be based on the TI-83/84. Be sure to download the TI-89 Stat List package from Texas Instruments. You will need the necessary cable, and will have to review the associated documentation
Packaged with your textbook you'll find two programs that you should find useful for analyzing data sets: StatDisk from, and an Excel Spreadsheet Add-in called DDXL. These programs will be quite useful for your projects. Exams will require a scientific calculator. No sharing of calculators will be allowed. Sharing calculators during an exam or quiz is considered cheating.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of Math 119, the student should be able to

Evaluation Policy

40% Quizzes (~10)
20% Homework (~6)
20% Midterm
20% Final Exam


Section 03 final exam will be given Dec 18 (Thu), 8:00am - 10:00am.

Quizzes will be over homework, lecture, and assigned reading. The lowest quiz and lowest HW scores may be dropped for students that participate in class and have less than the equivalent of one week's worth of absences.

Important Dates

Feb 4 is the last opportunity to: Other important dates



No make-up exams will be given without prior consent of the instructor. Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled, college extracurricular activity will be given the opportunity to make up class assignments or other graded assignments missed as a result of their participation.

Grade Scale

A: 100% - 90%
B: 89% - 80%
C: 79% - 70%
D: 69% - 60%
F: 59% - and below

Class Policies

No food or drinks allowed in the classroom (water bottles OK). Please switch all cell phones either off or to silent mode. No children or other visitors unless prior permission is obtained.


Each student is expected to attend every class meeting. In the case of absence, it is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor.

Tutorial Services

The Math Center (Room 426) offers free drop-in tutoring and tutorials on computer. Check with the Center for hours of operation. The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers math videos and free tutoring by appointment. Check for hours of operation

Students with Disabilities

Southwestern College recommends that students with disabilities or specific learning needs contact their professors during the first two weeks of class to discuss academic accommodations. If a student believes they may have a disability and would like more information, they are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services (DSS) at (619) 482-6512 (voice), (619) 207-4480 (video phone), or email at Alternate forms of this syllabus and other course materials are available upon request.

Academic Success Center Referral

Services are located in the ASC (420), the Writing Center (420D), the Reading Center (420), Math Center (426), the Library/LRC Interdisciplinary Tutoring Lab, MESA, specialized on-campus School tutoring labs, the Higher Education Center, and the San Ysidro Education Center. Online learning materials and Online Writing Lab (OWL) are available online at .


Faculty may require a student who disrupts the classroom to meet with the Dean of MSE prior to the next class meeting. Also, instructors may exclude a student for misconduct on the day of the disruption, and an additional day if needed. Further disciplinary action may be pursued by the instructor or college administration.

Misconduct includes the following:

Disciplinary Action Procedures

The instructor reserves the right to modify this information. Students will be notified if updates are made. updated: 08.24.2014

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