Course Description
This course reviews basic mathematics skills, properties of integers, introduction to geometry, and
applications of arithmetic to common problems.
Bruce Smith, 421-6700, x5291,
room 390d, bsmith [AT] swccd [DOT] edu
Office Hrs
Mon, Tue: 8:00am - 8:50am
Mon: 12:00pm - 12:50pm,
or by appointment.
Meeting Times
MW 9-10:50 am, room xxx.
The final exam will be given Dec 12, 2011 (Mon), 10:15 am - 12:15 pm.
Online Resource
Grades, assignments, this document, and additional useful information
can be found at the following: (Blackboard)
Course Prerequisite
A grade of C or higher in Math 20 or the equivalent skill level as determined by the Southwestern College Mathematics Assessment; Recommended Preparation/Concurrent Enrollment: RDG 56 or the equivalent skill level as determined by the Southwestern College Reading Assessment or equivalent.
Textbooks and Materials
Prealgebra, 6th ed., Elayn Martin-Gay, ISBN: 9780321628862
activation code (purchase from either SWC bookstore or online)
MathXL Course ID, Fall 2011:
MathXL Course Name:
Math 35
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of Math 35, the student should be able to
- Evaluate and perform order of operations on arithmetic and algebraic expressions that include signed numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, or decimals without a calculator.
- Convert between percents, decimals and fractions, and solve percentage problems using proportions and/or percent equation without a calculator.
- Solve geometric problems involving perimeter, circumference, area and volume without a calculator.
- Solve linear equations that contain integers, fractions or decimals, and solve application problems by first identifying the unknown, setting-up the equation, solving the equation, and then checking the solution, all without a calculator.
- Apply exponent rules to simplify exponential expressions and evaluate and perform algebraic operations on polynomials without a calculator.
Your grade for the course will be based on the following components:
assignments (25%), exams (60%), and final exam (15%).
The final exam will be given Dec 13 (Mon), 10:15am-12:15pm. Lowest exam and quiz scores may be dropped for those with fewer than 4 absences.
Important Dates
Feb 4 is the last opportunity to:
- add classes
- withdraw from full-semester classes and qualify for a full refund;
- get a refund for Student Activities stickers, and
Other important dates
- Feb 8:
Last day to withdraw from a class without receiving a "W" grade
- Apr 17:
Last day to withdraw from full-semester courses and receive a "W" grade.
- May 21:
No classes; Faculty Flex Day
- May 22 - 29:
Finals Week
- Feb 13 (F): Lincoln's Birthday
- Feb 16 (M): Washington's Birthday
- Mar 31 (M): Cesar Chavez's Day
- Apr 3 (F): Good Friday
- Mar 30 - Apr 5: Spring Break
- May 26: Memorial Day
No make-up exams will be given without prior consent of the instructor.
Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled, college
extracurricular activity will be given the opportunity to make up class
assignments or other graded assignments missed as a result of their
Grade Scale
A: 100% - 90%
B: 89% - 80%
C: 79% - 70%
D: 69% - 60%
F: 59% - and below
Class Policies
No food or drinks allowed in the classroom (water bottles OK).
Please switch all cell phones either off or to silent mode.
No children or other visitors unless prior permission is obtained.
Each student is expected to attend every class meeting. In the case of absence, it is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor.
- Mandatory First Day of Class: Instructors must drop any student who fails to attend the first class meeting if the class is at maximum enrollment and other students are waiting to enroll, unless the student notifies the instructor in advance.
- Dropping for Absences: Per SWCCD Policy 5075, instructors may drop a student from a class if the student's total hours of absences exceeds twice the number of lecture hour equivalent units (LHE) for the class. For example, if this is a 4-unit (4 LHE) class, when you have more than eight hours of absences, you will be dropped and receive a "W" or an"F" depending the date dropped.
- Dropping for Tardiness: A tardy is defined as arriving after the start time up to 10 minutes late. If you are more than 10 minutes late, this will count as an absence. Two (2) tardies will count as one (1) absence. This tardy policy also applies to students leaving before the end of class or returning late from a break. The tardy policy will begin after the end of the add period. Dropping students for being tardy will be in accordance with SWCCD Policy 5075 stated above. Arriving late or leaving early is a problem for both the students and the instructor. Students are expected to be in class for the entire class period.
- Late Adds: After the add period concludes, a student may add classes only: 1) If the instructor certifies that the student has been in attendance during the add period. 2) Submits a Late Add Form to the School Dean. 3) Receives the approval of the School Dean. 4) Submits approved form to Admissions and Records. No Late Adds after the 3rd week.
- If an add code is given at the start of the semester, it must be used within 24 hours of receipt, at which point the code can be assigned to someone else.
Tutorial Services
The Math Center (Room 426) offers free drop-in tutoring and tutorials on computer. Check with the Center for hours of operation. The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers math videos and free tutoring by appointment. Check for hours of operation
Students with Disabilities
Southwestern College recommends that students with disabilities or specific learning needs contact their professors during the first two weeks of class to discuss academic accommodations. If a student believes they may have a disability and would like more information, they are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services (DSS) at (619) 482-6512 (voice), (619) 207-4480 (video phone), or email at Alternate forms of this syllabus and other course materials are available upon request.
Academic Success Center Referral
Services are located in the ASC (420), the Writing Center (420D), the
Reading Center (420), Math Center (426), the Library/LRC
Interdisciplinary Tutoring Lab, MESA, specialized on-campus School
tutoring labs, the Higher Education Center, and the San Ysidro
Education Center. Online learning materials and Online Writing Lab
(OWL) are available online at .
Faculty may require a student who disrupts the classroom to meet with
the Dean of MSE prior to the next class meeting. Also, instructors may exclude
a student for misconduct on the day of the disruption, and an additional day if needed.
Further disciplinary action may be pursued by the instructor or college
Misconduct includes the following:
- Academic cheating and plagiarism:
- Academic dishonesty of any type by a student provides grounds for disciplinary
action by the instructor or college. In written work, no material may be copied from another without proper quotation marks, footnotes, or appropriate documentation. Students (both the giver and the receiver) involved in cheating and/or plagiarism will receive a zero
(failing) grade on the assignment (this assignment cannot be dropped) and, at the discretion of the instructor, earn a failing grade in the class. Academic dishonesty of any type such as cheating and plagiarism can result in one or all of the following: a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in the class, and/or formal disciplinary action by the college.
- Disruption of instructional activities or administrative procedures.
- Continued disruptive behavior, continued willful disobedience,
- habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent abuse of college personnel.
- Use, sale, or possession on campus, or campus premises under the
influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, other hallucinogenic drugs
or substances, or any poison classified as such by schedule "D" in
section 4160 of the Business and Professions Code.
- Alteration or misuse of college documents, including acts of forgery and furnishing false information.
- Acts or threats of damage to or theft of property belonging to or located on college-controlled property or facilities.
- Act or threat of physical abuse of any person. Assault or battery upon any student, college personnel, authorized college guest, or any other person.
- Violation of college regulations or state laws.
- Additionally, please review course catalog (, or Southwestern Community College District Procedure No. 5550 for more information.
Disciplinary Action Procedures
- When a student conduct violation has occurred, the first attempt to resolve the misconduct will be an informal consultation between the student and the instructor (or college staff member).
- If the situation is unresolved, the Dean will meet with the instructor and the student(s) involved.
- If the situation remains unresolved, the instructor will complete a "Report of Student Misconduct" and file the report with the Dean of Student Services.
- In situations involving safety or if the College Police have become involved, steps 1 and 2 need not be adhered to.
The instructor reserves the right to modify this information. Students will be notified if updates are made.
Reading and Course Pacing Guidelines
Fall 11 Class Schedule of Coverage
Week Of |
8/15 |
Intro, 1.2 to 1.5 |
1.6 to 1.8 |
8/22 |
2.1 to 2.2 |
2.3 to 2.4 |
2.5 to 2.6 |
8/29 |
3.1, 3.2 |
review |
Exam 1 (Chs 1&2) |
9/5 |
HOLIDAY (Labor Day) |
3.3, 3.4 |
3.4, 4.1 |
9/12 |
4.2 |
4.3, 4.4 |
4.4, review |
9/19 |
Exam 2 |
4.5, 4.6 |
4.6,4.7 |
9/26 |
4.8, 5.1 |
5.2, 5.3 |
5.3, 5.4 |
10/3 |
5.5, 5.6 |
review |
Exam 3 |
10/10 |
6.1, 6.2 |
6.3 |
6.3, 6.4 |
10/17 |
6.5, review |
Exam 4 |
7.1 |
10/24 |
7.2, 7.3 |
7.4 |
7.5, 7.6 |
10/31 |
review |
Exam 5 |
8.3 |
11/7 |
8.4, 9.1 |
9.2 |
HOLIDAY(Veteran's Day) |
11/14 |
9.3, 9.4 |
9.5 |
9.6, 10.1 |
11/21 |
review |
Exam 6 |
holiday |
holiday |
11/28 |
10.2 |
App. C, 10.3 |
10.4 |
12/5 |
App. D, review |
Review |
Review |
12/12 |
Final Exam Mon (12/XX) xx:15 am - xx:15pm |
updated: 07.25.2013

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