picture of Bruce Smith

Bruce Smith

Professor of Mathematics

School of Math, Science, and Engineering
Southwestern College

Contact Info:
Room 390 D
900 Otay Lakes Road
Chula Vista, CA 91910
619 421-6700, ext. 5291
Math 35 : Pre-algebra
Math 45 : Elementary Algebra
Math 119 : Elementary Statistics
Math 130 : Introduction to Programming
Math 140 : Data Structures and Algorithms
Math 230 : Computer Org and Arch

Past courses:

Personal History

Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, I attended The University of Toledo on a Track and Field scholarship, and studied Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Robotics, Control Systems, and Computer Engineering. While an undergraduate at the University of Toledo I worked as an Engineering Graphics Lab Instructor and began to fall in love with teaching. After completing my BSEE, I went to work for Ameritech for two years, then joined the Peace Corps where I served as a teacher of math and chemistry in the Kingdom of Lesotho, a landlocked country in Southern Africa. I returned from the Peace Corps after two years in Lesotho, and began my graduate studies in Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on Robotics, Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems, and Artificial Intelligence. (In 2006, The Princeton Review ranked Toledo's College of Engineering Graduate School 18th in the US amongst Engineering Graduate programs.) After working in engineering as an Applications and/or Product Engineer for General Electric, Baldor, Axsys Technologies (later purchased by General Dynamics in 2009), and California Linear Devices (later purchased by MOOG in 2008), my college teaching career began in 2002 at Southwestern College.

Cool Things Algorithmic, Statistical, Mathematical, and Philosophical

Engineering Interests

App and Game Development Tools

Broadening Participation

When I Surf the Web for Fun


Tweets from @BrucesHouse/golf-related

Technology, Science, and Philosophy

Blogs of Interest


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last updated Sept 23, 2014

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